
Binocular Vision Assessment 2

Refractive Eye Examination

The process of getting the right power. Most common test in any visual examination, simple screening through will not be specific and accurate. Therefore it is also one of the most important tests which need to be done correctly to ensure the lenses prescribed will provide clear and comfortable vision.


Binocular Vision Assessment

The eye has the capability to judge distance and depth(3D vision) in a very accurate way given that if our binocular vision system is functioning normally. In some case due to altered prescriptions, neuro abnormalities, strokes, acquired brain injuries or visual impairment from growth since young may have degraded 3D visual perceptions.

In some cases, frequent headaches and eye strains could also be due to some underlying condition of hidden squint (phoria) or mild tropia which could be well unnoticed or missed out during young age and has developed some adaptations.


Lazy Eye (Amblyopic) Consultation

At birth our human eye has a built-in capability for it to self-adjust to neutral power, however sometimes at an early age some may have developed some visual problems and later on gets adapted to that poor vision and compensate one another and leads to either one side eye working lesser or loss its function later on. Hence considered as amblyopic and at this point will not have a normal 3D vision.

There may be some noticeable signs on the child’s eye behavior such as occasional eye turning outwards or inwards, some frequent habits of blinking and eye rubbing as well. Keep bumping onto objects such as small tables or chairs, may perceive as a careless or grow-up learning process, however, if it is persistent then should consult an optometrist for an eye test.

This condition quite often appears in kids, whereby one eye is not functioning as much as the other eye. With good early examination and detections before age 7 years old, there will be a higher rate of success to improve the weaker eye by employing corrective glasses, visual training, patching, or atropine eyedrops


ColorVision Screening

Colorblind is inheritance and often found in many cases. A child may have missed out this easily and only to discover later on in teenage life.

Although it is not a life-threatening defect but keeping a clear knowledge knowing that with colourblind, many specific professions in career-wise may have to be opt-out for other choices.

It is a genetically inherited condition, therefore some parents may have aware of possibilities having children with a colour vision defect


Dry Eye Related Problems

The human eye naturally produces tears as a form of protection for the eyes from dust and other harmful bacteria, it is also to nourish the cell on the outer surface of the eye, keeping it smooth and healthy clear vision.

Dry eye comes in stages and condition can be improved if treated well. Symptoms are irritating and sometimes could also disrupt the quality of your vision, maybe due to some underlying chronic immune diseases, or general poor tear films when we aged.


Contact Lens Related Problems

As lifestyle changes, the need for contact lenses also varies. It comes in all ranges of disposable, to benefit the convenience of those needed to correct their vision for an aesthetic reason or enhance their sportive confidences. However, this medical device is not something to be abusively used, wearing them for long-term needs extra hygiene care and proper schedule replacement.

The corneal surface often being affected by long term contact lens wearing, and other external factors such as noncompliance with lens care regime may further cause more problems with wearing.


Slit-lamp Eye Examination

It is an easy and non-invasive eye examination for the anterior segment of the eye and also mid posterior segments. Eyelid, cornea, iris and anterior segment abnormalities or due to other secondary causes are possible to be detected with slit-lamp so that early interventions can be done. Other common causes of the eye such as cataract are commonly detected with these examinations.

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